Why study in small groups?

Studying the Bible together with other women can deepen your faith and understanding, as well as build bonds of friendship that will last a lifetime.

Community is the hallmark to the faith-filled life


Small groups are the cornerstone of what we do at Multiply Goodness.

Community and fellowship with one another is a hallmark of the faith-filled life, but too often, the thing we struggle with the most. Whether it’s because we think we’re too busy, that others are too busy, or we feel insecure about opening ourselves up, connecting with others can feel difficult. Small group study can also build bridges with those of different faiths in your community. The Lord has said, “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them,” (Matthew 18:20)—we can feel Him close as we meet together.

Studying in a small group is all about opening your heart as you and your friends of all faiths study the Bible together.

The reality is, the depth of our relationships is correlated to the time in which we’re willing to spend together. It’s marked by our honesty and vulnerability with one another, by the things we have in common, and in our service to one another. We hope that starting or participating in a small group will help you meet other women in your community, find greater power in God’s Word, and grow your faith.

But, we know that it’s also really intimidating to either start & lead one of your own, or jump into one as a participant. Have no fear, we’re experts at helping women get their small groups started and helping them understand how they work.

We’ve crafted two helpful guides - a Leader’s Guide, and a Participant’s Guide. In these resources, you’ll find answers to the big questions - Why and How. We also offer a robust FAQ in each guide to answer the questions we get most often in our inbox.

That’s not all, either. Our team is here to help you anytime, anywhere. Lenee Fuelling, our team member who oversees small groups will answer your emails with any questions or concerns you have that we didn’t address in the guides. You can email her anytime: smallgroups@multiplygoodness.com.


3 Quick Tips for a Successful Small Group


Look for
the similarities

When starting off in an small group with those of a different faith, it is helpful to fill your conversations with what is similar, rather than what is different about your religious beliefs. Build on common belief in the Old and New Testament. 


Let love be
your only motive

It is common for people to wonder if you have an agenda when you invite people from another faith into a religion-centered conversation. But, what if that agenda was simply to build a bridge, start a friendship, and learn to love someone for who they are? For the purpose of these conversations, keep love at the forefront of your intentions.


Honor each other & deepen your faith

It’s our hope that small groups will be a safe place for building a community where every woman is heard & honored, no matter where she may be in her faith journey. As we read the Bible and share our lives with one another, we pray every woman will grow spiritually, know God & His Word more deeply, and experience His goodness.