Our Bible Studies

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Study No. 1

Planting God's Word In Our Hearts

In this first guide, we will be studying how being planted in God’s Word has the power to change our lives. As we study we will strengthen our confidence that God will use His Word for our good and for His glory. We will also increase our trust that the Lord’s ways are higher than our ways, and that His purpose will be accomplished when we read His Word.

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Study No. 2

A Thrill of Hope

This Bible study guide includes scriptures and readings that will guide you throughout the Christmas season to focus on the birth, life, and ministry of Jesus Christ and the joy He brings to each of us. It’s our hope that as you learn about the themes of Advent and the names of Christ, you will develop a deeper relationship with the Savior during this long-awaited season.


Study No. 3

Philippians: Unconventioal Joy

Our third study, "Philippians: Unconventional Joy" focuses on the joy that can be discovered in the most unexpected places of our life. For many of us, the dark and dreary days of January and February are one of these places where we fight to discover and hold onto joy. It is our prayer that this study will help you do just that! We wrote it with the hope that you would find joy in contentment, prayer, unity and Christ. And there's no better start to the year than jumping into the Word of God!